Brookshire Cluster General Assembly Minutes 2015
Contents Attendees Miscellaneous Community Finance 2014 Budget Review 2015 Budget Estimate discussion Landscape 2014 Landscape Review 2015 Landscape Discussion Open Discussion Vote on board members Attendees 11 of 26 (42%) houses present (Amanda represented by Mark), Quorum of 40% achieved. Cluster President Wilson called the meeting to order at 7:18PM. Miscellaneous: Mulch will be delivered by…
Read MoreBrookshire Cluster General Assembly Minutes 2014
Contents Brookshire Cluster General Assembly Minutes 2014 Attendees Miscellaneous Community Financial Landscape Update Social Update Open Discussion Vote on board members Attendees: 17 of 26 (65%) houses present, Quorum of 40% achieved. Cluster President David called the meeting to order at 7:12PM. Miscellaneous: Mulch will be delivered by Reston Lions club on Saturday, April 5th, 2014 with 3 cubic…
Read MoreBrookshire Cluster General Assembly Minutes 2013
Here are the meeting minutes from the 2013 Brookshire Cluster General Assembly meeting held on Tuesday evening, Feb 12th 2013. The purpose of the meeting was to review past-present-future events related to the overall Cluster’s wellbeing. The minutes are broken down as follows: ATTENDEES MISCELLANEOUS LANDSCAPING SOCIAL FINANCIALS AND BUDGET OPEN DISCUSSION ELECTIONS Attendees 13 of…
Read MoreBrookshire Cluster General Assembly Minutes 2012
Here are the meeting minutes from the 2012 Brookshire Cluster General Assembly meeting held on Tuesday evening, Feb 7th 2012. The purpose of the meeting was to review past-present-future events related to the overall Cluster’s well being. The minutes are broken down as follows: ATTENDEES MISCELLANEOUS LANDSCAPING SOCIAL FINANCIALS AND BUDGET OPEN DISCUSSION VOTE ON BOARD…
Read MoreBrookshire Cluster Special Assessment General Assembly Minutes June 2011
Thursday, June 23rd 2011 7:30 PM held at 1558 Brookshire Ct. This was a special assembly for Brookshire Cluster home owners to review, discuss and vote on large scale projects for the cluster such as the Drainage Project and Extra Street lights. The objective of the meeting was to approve plans for both projects and approve…
Read MoreBrookshire Cluster General Assembly Minutes 2011
Contents Attendees Budgets Landscaping Social Update Vote on Board Members Open Topics Conclusion Attendees: 13 of 26 (50%) houses present, Quorum of 40% achieved. Cluster President Mike called the meeting to order at 7:07PM. Miscellaneous: Mulch will be delivered by Lions club on Saturday, April 16th with 3 cubic feet hardwood mulch at $4.50 per bag. These…
Read MoreBrookshire Cluster General Assembly Minutes 2010
12 of 26 (46%) houses present, Quorum of 40% achieved. Cluster President Mike called the meeting to order at 7:15PM. Miscellaneous: Mulch will be delivered by Lions club on Easter Saturday, April 3rd with 2 cubic feet hardwood mulch at $3.37 per bag. Please let Mike know how many bags you would like. Gutter Cleaning will occur…
Read MoreBrookshire Cluster General Assembly Minutes 2009
Brookshire Cluster’s 2009 Annual General Assembly was held at 7:30PM on Wednesday, March 5th 2009 in Jill and Aaron’s home, 15** Brookshire Ct. Listed below are the minutes and action items from the General Assembly. Just click on any link below to review sectional minutes: Attendees: Social update: Landscape: Financial: Board of Directors: Attendees: (12 of…
Read MoreMinutes of the Annual Board Review, Brookshire Cluster 2008
ATTENDING FINANCIALS AND BUDGET LANDSCAPING SOCIAL OTHER BUSINESS ELECTION OF CLUSTER OFFICERS ATTENDING With 50% of households represented quorum was achieved. Brookshire Cluster Co-Presidents Aaron & Jill called the meeting to order. FINANCIALS AND BUDGET 2007 Budget Review: Treasurer Ann D presented her report for Budget vs. Expenses in 2007 and proposed budget for…
Read MoreBrookshire Cluster General Assembly Meeting 2007
Here are the meeting minutes from the 2007 Brookshire Cluster General Assembly meeting held on Wednesday evening, Feb 21st 2007. The purpose of the meeting was to review past-present-future events related to the overall Cluster’s wellbeing. The minutes are broken down as follows, just click on any of the following links: ATTENDEES FINANCIALS AND BUDGET LANDSCAPING ELECTIONS…
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