Parking Guidelines

Each townhouse unit is assigned one reserved parking space which is marked as “RESERVED”.  Each reserved space is assigned to a particular house, see the chart to determine the location of your parking space. Guest spaces (marked "GUEST") are available on a first-come, first-served basis. Due to the limited number of available parking spaces, each unit is limited to using one guest space only – therefore keeping no more than two cars on Brookshire court at any time. Any additional cars may be parked on Moorings Drive.

For guest spaces, please try to use one close to your residence.  Cluster members at the back of the cluster should be able to use the spaces closest to them as Moorings is a long way, especially at night.

Large recreational vehicles need to park on Moorings Drive or in the Reston RV parking lot which has prerequisite electricity and water. Cars should not be parked in a visitor’s spot for more than 30 days, or it will be subject to being towed. Cars parked in reserved spots are liable to towing six days after notice provided on the car or to the owner. All towing costs to be paid by the car owner.  Parking is restricted to assigned parking spaces only, cards parked in fire lanes or blocking sidewalks will be ticketed and/or towed by Fairfax county authorities.