April 2018

 Normal Trash pickup Normal recycling pickup Yard Waste pickupNormal trash pickup  
 Normal Trash pickup Normal recycling pickup Yard Waste pickupNormal trash pickup  
 Normal Trash pickup Normal recycling pickup Yard Waste pickupNormal trash pickup  
Move cars off lot before 7AM MondayAll cars off lot.All cars off lot. Until 7PM or work completes Move all cars off lot before 7AM tomorrow.All cars off lot.All cars off lot all day.
 Trash & Recycling Arrive before 7AMWorking on concrete ALL DAY.Yard Waste pickupNormal trash pickupAsphalt crews on site. Cars on lot towed*Lot dry time
 7AM Concrete Crew for Sidewalks and new curb sections. Cars on lot towed*Pathways and new curbs will be cordoned off to allow time to dry. Repaving asphlatCluster Clean up day
 Repositioning “No parking snow signs”7PM Spray painting curb Wheelstops repositioned 
 All cars off lot.Cars park after 7PM   
Move Cars back onto lotNormal Trash pickup Normal recycling pickup Yard Waste pickupNormal trash pickup  


  • If you have mulch ordered through us (support@brookshirecourt.org), the bags will be delivered on March 16th . Please take your bags from the fine lane area by COB Saturday, 24th March.
  • Cardinal landscaping will be onsite March 22nd or 23rd to move plants and hard landscape items from impacted concrete areas being replaced.
  • The parking lot will be closed to ALL vehicles except the workers for the workweek of Monday April 22ndthrough to Sunday, April 29th (except Wednesday and Thursday).  Please keep that in mind for your car, postal service, any deliveries scheduled for that time, any take-out food etc.
  • For the workweek of Monday April 23rd through to Sunday, April 29th – trash company says it will complete BOTH trash and recycling before 7AM on Monday morning (April 23rd) with normal pickup for yard waste on Wednesday and Trash on Thursday, April 26th . Please move your trash bins in as soon as possible.
  • Lake Anne Pavilion parking allowed for cluster members during this week (approved by Reston Association).

Concrete Work is scheduled for Monday, April 23rd and Tuesday April 24th.   

Please move Cars out of the parking lot and onto Moorings Drive or Lake Anne Pavilion by 7AM, Monday morning, April 23rd and the lot will be closed for two days (Monday and Tuesday) while work is being done.   Any cars left on the lot will be towed and placed on Moorings drive at the owner’s expense.  The tow charge is $65 made payable to Brookshire Accounts Payable.  For machinery, there will be a bobcat onsite to break up and remove old concrete plus a crew of eight or so men plus other machinery.

Scheduled Work Monday, April 23rd and Tuesday April 24th :

Concrete work: Concrete seal placed over new concrete to speed drying and seal.  Soil replaced on edge of concrete and sod reseeded where necessary. Areas include:

  • Replace sidewalk from Sherry’s to Mark and Leann’s at the back of the cluster.  (1528 – 1538)
  • Add new concrete curb to fire lane – replacing railroad ties outside 1551
  • Add new concrete curb to opposite area fire lane, under the Bradford pear tree and by the barberry hedge. (1552)
  • Replace three sections between 1565 and 1567
  • Replace first section up to steps and top section after steps in front of 1565
  • Individual homes’ sidewalks to be replaced/repaired.
  • Re-position “no parking during snow emergency” signs at back of cluster.

Parking Lot – Repaving Work is scheduled for Friday, April 27th and Saturday, April 28th.   

Please move ALL cars out of the parking lot and onto Moorings Drive by 7AM Friday morning, April 27th through Sunday morning April 29th .  The parking lot will be closed the entire time.  The work is estimated to take one full day (Friday) then one more day (Saturday) to let the asphalt settle. The lot will be closed while work is in progress.  Any cars left on the lot will be towed and placed on Moorings drive at the owner’s expense.  The tow charge is $65 made payable to Brookshire Accounts Payable.

Scheduled Work:

  • Move all wheel stops back onto grass
  • Mill 2-4” all over parking lot.
  • Lay asphalt over lot
  • Replace all current wheel stops (repainted).
  • Fire lanes painted yellow.


Towing company:
Al’s Towing & Storage Inc
Address: 11 Douglas Ct, Sterling, VA 20166
Phone: (703) 435-8888

Paving and Concrete Company
Finley Asphalt & Sealing, Inc.
Main Office: PO Box 1710   Manassas, VA 20108


Concrete Sidewalk Replacement (Lead Walks)

  • The work zone(s) will be barricaded with any of the following; orange cones, yellow caution tape, orange barrels, or message boards, for public safety during the project. FAS, Inc. requires 20′ perimeter on each side of the work area to be clear. It is the owner’s responsibility to make sure all barricades remain effective after our crews leave the job site.
  • We have identified 5 area(s) consisting of approximately 488 sq. ft for sidewalk replacement.
  • We will demo, remove, and dispose of all debris offsite.
  • Compact the existing sub-base with a vibrating tamper.
  • We will place forms to proper grade, elevation, and slope. Next, we will install a new  3000psi, air-entrained concrete, to a depth of   inches with wire mesh reinforcement. The concrete will be floated, troweled, control  and expansion joints scored, and finished with a “light broom”.  Last, the new concrete will be sprayed with a clear coat curing compound.
  • We will remove the forms, after concrete has cured.  If in the event any grassy areas are disturbed, during the project, we will provide a fresh layer of topsoil, seed, and straw, to those areas.  Fertilization and irrigation is not included and we do not guarantee regrowth of the new seed.
  • Please note this project will be performed over the course of approximately 1-days.
  • Excludes: Rebar, new stone, dowels, painting of curbs, notifying tenants of scheduled work, towing of vehicles, or anything other than those services listed above.

Paving Residential | Owner Responsibility & Conditions

  • Rain: If it’s raining the day of scheduled service, assume we aren’t coming and we will contact you to reschedule as soon as possible.  If it rains after our installation, please contact your representative.  We monitor the weather closely and can generally predict this very well. In the event that an unexpected storm happens, we will touch up any areas where sealer has not bonded.
  • Sprinklers: should be off 24 hours prior until 48 hours after service.  Avoid lawn cutting during this same period of time. The surface must be dry for our arrival.  Areas where the newly sealed pavement is wet may wear prematurely.
  • Residential Preparation: The property is responsible to notify all landscapers and garbage companies to not show on the area of work the day we are performing work.  If we need to re-schedule due to unforeseen conditions, you are required to let all service providers know about the change.
  • Barricaded Driveway:  It is vital that all vehicles are removed from our area of work no later than 7:15 am, unless otherwise agreed.  As you can imagine, our project costs are based on the property having all cars, people and objects off the area of work.
  • Driving on Surface: Once you start driving on paved/sealed surface, avoid turning your wheels unless your car is moving. We understand this may be difficult to do, but understand that when wheels are turned on a freshly paved/sealed asphalt surface,  scuffing and turn marks will be evident, no worries in time they will blend in with surrounding surface.

Concrete Installation | Owners’ Responsibilities & Conditions

  • FAC, Inc. will barricade the newly installed uncured concrete immediately after completion.  It is the customer’s responsibility to make sure that all concrete stays barricaded, after FAC, Inc. leaves the work site and until the new concrete properly cures.  Cured concrete will not “scuff” to the touch.
  • FAC, Inc. will be held-harmless for, nor will repairs or replacement be provided, for damage to newly installed concrete, due to acts of vandalism by others.
  • FAC, Inc. cannot and will not guarantee that newly installed concrete will match in color or texture, to adjacent or other onsite concrete.
  • FAC, Inc. will estimate the depth(s) of existing concrete being removed and replaced, unless exact depths are provided by the customer.  In the event the existing depth(s) exceed those estimated depths, additional fees may apply for additional material (concrete or stone) required to bring the new concrete to proper elevation(s).  Any additional fees will be discussed and agreed upon, with the customer, before proceeding with additional work.
  • FAC, Inc. will provide new dirt, seed, and straw, to areas damage during the process of new concrete replacement or installation, as necessary.  We do not provide fertilization or irrigation of the new seed and therefore, do not guarantee re-growth of the existing grass, or growth of the new grass seed.
  • Excludes: Wire mesh, rebar, new stone, or dowels.