Trash and Recycling Guide

Republic Services | 703-818-8222
Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday |
Trash Recycling |
Yard Waste | Trash |
Trash schedule Monday morning and Thursday morning each week except major holidays. Removal of all trash properly secured in tied plastic bags, standard trash cans, or AAA 96-gallon, wheeled carts placed at the curb by 6 am. Trash bags or containers shall not exceed 50 lbs. per bag or container.
Recycle schedule: Monday morning each week except major holidays. Recycling includes all items specified by the County mandates. Newspapers, Magazines, Cardboard, Glass and Plastic bottles, Aluminum and Ferrous Metal (Tin) Food cans.
Yard Waste: Wednesday morning pickup each week from April through November. All yard waste has to be bundled with string, reasonable length, in a bin or in a paper yard waste bag – NO PLASTIC.
Holiday Service
Provide removal of trash and recyclables on all holidays that fall on a regularly scheduled pickup day, with the exception of Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day and New Year’s Day or other times that the Disposal Facilities are closed. When a designated pickup day falls on one of these holidays, uncollected trash or recyclables will be removed on the next regularly scheduled pickup day for that debris.
Residents have access to our fully staffed Customer Service Center 8am – 5pm at 703-818-8222 and after hours at our website for requests and concerns.
Single Stream Recycling Services
1x/week recycling removal: Remove flattened packing boxes and cartons placed at the curb by new residents. If it’s raining, don’t worry. It’s okay for all recyclables, even newspaper, to get wet. Do not mix trash with any recyclables. Please keep bin clean.
Republic will provide additional recycling bins, upon request, extras at no charge.
All recyclables must be at the curb by 6 am.
Glass & Plastic Bottles, Jars, Metal Food & Aluminum Cans
Rinse out food residue and remove caps and lids. Crust or fold aluminum cans individually if you wish to save space. Store in paper bags or recycling bins. Acceptable Plastics include Numbers one and two only. Unacceptable: plate & window glass, pottery, light bulbs, pyrex, ceramic dishes, pots, pans, foil, pie tins, and scrap metal.
Newspapers & Magazines
Bundle your newspapers in paper bags or tie securely with strong twine. Do not use plastic bags. Bundles should be less than 20 lbs. Magazines, phone books & glossy inserts are acceptable.
Yard Waste Services - Wednesday Pick Up
Brush should be cut in four-foot lengths with limbs no larger than six inches in diameter. Brush should be tied in bundles no larger than two feet in diameter and placed at the curb
Place yard debris and brush in separate containers, clear plastic bags, or biodegradable bags. The weight limit for yard debris is 35 lbs. or less per bag or container.
Brush & Yard Debris
Compost or mulch yard debris whenever possible. Collect separately the woody part of yard debris such as bushes and small tree limbs. Cut in 4-foot lengths (no more than 6 inches in diameter), tie and bundle in arm size bundles.
Yard Debris includes: (Single family homes only): grass clippings, leaves, pumpkins and any vegetation. Townhomes place yard debris out with their trash.
Grass and Leaves: compost or let lie. Grass clippings can be left on newly mowed lawn to enrich the soil. If you must bag your yard debris, use biodegradable paper bags or clear plastic bags. Place out on your yard debris day, April 1st through January 15th.
Christmas Trees
Remove all tinsel. Do not use tree bags. Put tree on the curb for collection. Trees will be collected on the first two Wednesdays in January to be recycled, then after with the trash (no additional charge)
Bulk or Junk Services
Collect furniture and other large, non-metal household items placed on the curb at no extra chargelimited to bulk items equivalent to 2 cubic yards.
Resident should pre-schedule for the second trash day.
Appliance & White Goods Removal
Ferrous metal/white good items/large motorized items, such as appliances, must be prescheduled prior to removal with additional billing to the individual homeowner.
All appliances containing Freon must be certified Freon-free prior to removal.
Hazardous Waste
Household hazardous waste refers to used or leftover contents of consumer products that contain materials with one of the four characteristics of a hazardous waste: toxic, ignitable, corrosive or reactive as defined by the EPA. Household hazardous waste should not be disposed of in the regular trash. As part of Fairfax County, we can bring our hazardous material to the Household Hazardous Waste disposal center on West Ox Rd by I-66 at any time. Check here for more details.
Fairfax County residents can recycle televisions, computers and peripheral devices – including keyboards, speakers, printers, external drives and other such materials – and unbroken fluorescent light bulbs and tubes at the Fairfax recycling center on West Ox by Rt. 66. There is No Charge for Fairfax County residents to dispose of electrical or hazardous goods, however, they may be required to show proof of residency.